(Reading time: 2 - 4 minutes)
Enjoy a collection of quick, humorous stories that are sure to brighten your day and put a smile on your face.

The Three Vampire Bats

One night, in a rustic barn, two vampire bats engaged in a mutual admiration session.

"Wow, you're impressive. Judging by the fresh blood on your fangs, you must have had quite a feast tonight," remarked the first bat.

The second bat, being humble, responded, "Oh, it's nothing compared to you. Your entire head is practically bathed in blood. You must have had a better night."

Suddenly, a third bat flew into the barn, its entire body drenched in blood.

In awe, the first two bats exclaimed, "Incredible! Your whole body is crimson. You must have had an incredibly successful night. How many victims did you manage to catch?"

With a pained expression, the third bat replied, "None, actually. I just woke up and made a beeline for this barn through the cornfield. I completely forgot about the barbed wire fence that the darn farmer had just installed."