(Reading time: 2 - 4 minutes)
Mastering Benson's Relaxation Technique: A Step-by-Step Guide.

Dr. Herbert Benson, a distinguished cardiologist, researcher, and the founder of Harvard's Mind/Body Medical Institute, brings us a powerful tool for cultivating tranquility and combating the effects of stress through his creation, Benson's Relaxation Technique (BRT). This simple yet profoundly effective relaxation method draws upon extensive research into the relaxation response and has been shown to provide therapeutic benefits for various conditions, including hypertension, headaches, irregular heart rhythms, premenstrual syndrome, anxiety disorders, and mild to moderate depression.

For those with bustling lives or minimal experience with relaxation techniques, BRT presents an accessible and appealing choice. Here's a step-by-step guide to implementing this transformative practice:

1. Select Your "Object of Focus"

Begin by choosing a word, a short sentence, or a brief prayer that resonates with you and holds positive meaning. This will serve as your focal point during the relaxation exercise. The possibilities are limitless, but opting for words or phrases that evoke a sense of peace and affirmation often yields the best results.

2. Create a Comfortable Setting

Find a quiet, serene spot where you can sit comfortably, either on a chair or by crossing your legs. Close your eyes, breathe naturally, and take a few moments to ensure your physical comfort. Loose, relaxed clothing, an appropriate room temperature, and even the inclusion of soothing aromatherapy, if desired, can enhance your experience.

3. Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Initiate a deep relaxation of your entire body, commencing from your feet and working your way upward through your calves, thighs, abdomen, and so on. Release all tension and keep your muscles in a state of profound relaxation.

4. Mindful Breathing

Shift your focus to your breath, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Silently recite your chosen "Object of Focus" during each exhalation. For example, with each breath, internally repeat a phrase like "I am at peace." Maintain natural, unhurried breathing throughout the exercise.

5. Cultivate a Passive Attitude

Incorporate an attitude of non-resistance. When distractions arise, whether they are thoughts, emotions, or external stimuli, simply acknowledge them without judgment and gently return your full attention to your breath and your chosen focal phrase. There's no need to engage with or chase away these distractions; instead, treat them with gentle indifference, take a cleansing breath, and resume reciting your "Object of Focus."

6. Savoring Tranquility: A Post-Relaxation Reflection

Practice this relaxation exercise for a duration of 10 to 20 minutes, or as long as feels comfortable for you. Upon completion, remain seated for a few minutes, initially with your eyes closed, and then with them open, savoring the tranquility that envelops you.

Additional Notes:

  • Select a concise "Object of Focus," ideally comprising one to five words that hold positive significance for you.
  • Dedicate time for this relaxation technique once or twice a day, allocating 10-20 minutes for each session.
  • Optimal times for practice are either in the morning before breakfast or at night just before retiring to bed. Avoid engaging in the exercise within two hours of a meal, as digestion may interfere with relaxation.
  • Release concerns about achieving a profound state of relaxation immediately. Consistency is key, and the more you practice, the more effortlessly you can trigger your relaxation response. Embrace the journey of continuity in your practice, and the rewards will naturally unfold.

With Dr. Herbert Benson's Relaxation Technique, you hold the key to unlocking a sanctuary of tranquility within yourself. It's a simple, yet potent tool for cultivating calm and enhancing your overall well-being.

Meditation & Relaxation