(Reading time: 2 - 4 minutes)
Enjoy a collection of quick, humorous stories that are sure to brighten your day and put a smile on your face.

Chuck and the Dead Horse

Once upon a time, a young man named Chuck struck a deal with a farmer. Chuck bought a horse from the farmer for $250, and the farmer promised to deliver the horse the next day. However, when the farmer arrived at Chuck's place the following day, he had some unfortunate news: "I'm sorry, son, but I've got bad news. The horse has passed away."

Chuck, with a quick reply, said, "Well, in that case, can I have my money back?"

The farmer regretfully responded, "I can't do that, I've already used the money."

Chuck then asked, "Alright, how about you just bring me the horse's body?"

Perplexed, the farmer questioned, "What on earth are you going to do with it?"

Chuck confidently said, "I'm going to hold a raffle for it."

Amused, the farmer chuckled, "You can't raffle off a dead horse!"

Chuck, still undeterred, confidently remarked, "Oh, but I can. I just won't mention it's no longer among the living."

A month passed, and the farmer couldn't help but be curious, "So, what happened with that raffled-off horse, Chuck?"

With a smile, Chuck replied, "I did indeed raffle it off. I sold 500 tickets at five dollars each, and I made a grand total of $2500."

The farmer couldn't believe it, "But didn't anyone complain?"

Chuck grinned, "Well, just the guy who won. So I gave him his five dollars back."