(Reading time: 5 - 9 minutes)
Explore the nine essential ingredients for a healthy and prosperous soul.

Just as your physical body requires nourishment through food, water, and air to sustain life, your inner self also has fundamental requirements to maintain its well-being and optimal functioning.

"Choose rather to be strong of soul than strong of body." Pythagoras

Many psychological issues, such as anxiety disorders, often arise from prolonged neglect of these essential needs, much like indoor plants deprived of adequate sunlight. While the consequences may not manifest immediately, over time, they can lead to a gradual withering and decline. Prioritizing the fulfillment of these fundamental mental needs, if not all of them, can be considered one of the most valuable gifts you can offer to yourself.

1. Interact with Others

girls talking picnic

As inherently social beings, our need for interpersonal interaction, no matter how modest, remains vital. Prolonged periods of isolation can have adverse effects on our mental well-being, emotional stability, and behavior.

Cultivating a robust, high-quality, and well-balanced social life is the key to fulfilling this need. Consider scheduling regular gatherings with friends or family, even if it's just once a month. The presence of supportive companions can foster feelings of security, boost our confidence, and often propel us to greater heights together.

If you find yourself lacking in social connections or if your existing relationships are a source of distress, take proactive steps to forge new, enriching bonds. Seek out new friendships, participate in hobby communities, reconnect with old acquaintances, or simply exchange greetings and smiles with those around you.

2. Has Meaning and Purpose

nothing to do

As humans, we are inherently wired to tackle challenges. We have an aversion to trouble and seek solutions when faced with problems. However, when we lack stimulating challenges for extended periods, boredom can set in. Often, without even realizing it, we may start searching for problems to solve, including inventing imaginative issues in our minds, leading to excessive worry about unclear or baseless concerns. Moreover, a prolonged absence of progress and accomplishment can make life seem dull and devoid of meaning.

Our intrinsic nature compels us to take action. Engaging in activities can replace worry and apathy with hope and a zest for life. Whether it's trying something new, honing existing skills, pursuing hobbies, launching a business, conquering mountains, writing a book, embarking on a jog, enrolling in a Tai Chi class, or any other endeavor, taking action is key. Anything to keep the flame of curiosity and passion alive.

3. Contributing to the World and Others

girl homeless hungry

Every individual, to varying degrees, possesses an innate need to extend beyond their personal interests and ego. This innate inclination brings a profound sense of completeness and fulfillment that reaches beyond the confines of our individual existence.

Engaging in acts of altruism, such as volunteering for humanitarian causes, championing environmental preservation, or offering sustenance to the homeless encountered on the streets, allows us to contribute with pure intentions to the betterment of our world and the well-being of humanity. These actions are driven by a sincere desire to make a positive impact, devoid of any anticipation of praise or material rewards.

By embracing these selfless endeavors, we not only connect with our shared human experience but also tap into a deeper wellspring of purpose that transcends personal gain. In doing so, we become integral parts of a greater tapestry, weaving compassion and kindness into the fabric of our collective existence.

4. Emotional Closeness

kids in love

Within the intricate tapestry of our lives, the need for at least one confidant with whom we can freely express our ideas, hopes, and aspirations stands as an essential thread. While there are individuals who can thrive in solitude, the majority of us seek closeness and the sustaining support of those who hold significance in our journey, whether it be a life partner, family member, or cherished friend.

It is paramount to nurture and share our hopes and dreams with these cherished individuals, cultivating bonds with friends who provide unwavering support. In cases where such connections prove challenging to forge, the companionship of pets emerges as a remarkable alternative. Scientific research underscores the profoundly positive impact of the unconditional love and companionship offered by pets, as it bolsters emotional equilibrium and contributes to enhanced mental well-being.

5. Control and Power

man stringed

Each person harbors an innate need to exert control over certain aspects of their life, and the degree of control one feels can profoundly influence their ability to manage stress effectively.

"He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still." Lao Tzu

In the grand tapestry of existence, it's a universal truth that we cannot control every facet of our lives, and the relentless pursuit of such control can be an exhausting endeavor. However, those who adeptly maintain a sense of agency over at least some aspects of their lives tend to navigate life's pressures more skillfully and savor its joys more fully.

To truly master this internal sense of control, it's imperative to embrace the notion that unexpected events or the actions of others need not dictate our emotional responses. In moments when circumstances veer off course, one need not succumb to despair or anger. Likewise, when something is lost, focusing on the treasures that remain can offer solace. The key lies in choosing deliberate actions over knee-jerk reactions. In that space between stimulus and response, individuals possess the remarkable power to decide their course of action, a choice unshackled by external forces.

6. Acknowledgment and Appreciation


Recognizing one's importance is a fundamental human need. Everyone craves acknowledgment, yet what imparts a sense of value varies from person to person. For some, it may hinge on societal rank or status, while others find validation in respect and acceptance from their peers. Some may treasure recognition as a devoted parent, grandparent, or child.

In this world, nothing is truly devoid of purpose. Every existence holds meaning and significance. Even fallen trees, long bereft of life, serve as homes and havens for other living creatures. The tiniest, nearly imperceptible microorganisms play a vital role in enriching the soil, enabling the growth of plants that provide oxygen and sustenance for us and all living beings.

Your worth transcends external factors like the judgment of others, your position, or your material wealth and influence. You are inherently valuable. Regardless of your current circumstances and any self-perceptions you may hold, you are precious. Every facet of creation bears inherent worth, as God has never fashioned anything devoid of purpose.

7. Be Safe and Feel Safe

fish vs worm

All living beings require a sense of security. Exposure to environments or situations fraught with peril, unpredictability, or danger triggers a profound sense of threat, encompassing concerns related to finances, health, or physical safety. Such circumstances, when protracted or recurrent, elicit a heightened stress response, with notable repercussions for mental and physical well-being.

Regardless of the origin of your insecurities, there exists a pathway to enhancing your sense of security. Begin by identifying and examining the root causes of your vulnerabilities. In situations where physical safety is compromised, promptly seek refuge in a safer environment. If the source of insecurity resides within your workplace or job, consider exploring alternative employment opportunities, or evaluate if adjustments can be made to foster a greater sense of safety. In cases where insecurities stem from interactions with others, weigh the necessity of perpetuating these feelings in their presence. If possible, limit contact, or if warranted, consider terminating the relationship altogether.

8. Life Balance

life balance

We are humans, not machines. Even the most robust engines require periodic pauses for essential repairs and maintenance.

It's imperative to treat yourself with care. Attend to your nutritional needs, emphasizing the consumption of healthy and nourishing foods, not merely to satisfy hunger but to fuel your well-being. Embrace physical activity and integrate exercise into your daily life. Cultivate hobbies, for life's purpose extends beyond the realm of work and bills. Allocate sufficient time for rest and relaxation, and embark on the journey of savoring life's exquisite beauty. These facets are not luxuries but vital necessities.

9. Being Yourself

kid mud

In the intricate tapestry of life, circumstances and conditions frequently beckon us to play distinct roles, to don masks that shield us, preserve the emotions of others, or navigate the complex pathways of existence for various compelling reasons.

Yet, intrinsic to the human spirit is an innate yearning for liberation—a yearning that transcends the boundaries of fear and limitations. It is a yearning that craves the unencumbered ability to contemplate, act, and chart the course of life unimpeded. Among the pantheon of freedoms that humans hold dear, perhaps none shines as brilliantly as the freedom to be oneself.

Explore More:
Free to be Yourself

Final Thoughts

In the intricate dance of life, our souls seek sustenance through nine essential needs. These inner yearnings often go unnoticed amidst the clamor of our external pursuits, yet they are the very foundations of our mental and emotional well-being.

By tending to these core needs, we offer ourselves a precious gift—a soul that flourishes on every level. In doing so, we sow the seeds of inner vitality, mental resilience, and profound meaning. These principles are not luxuries but the very essence of our inner selves. Incorporate them into your daily life, and you will embark on a transformative journey within, where self-love meets profound purpose that resonates deeply within your being.

Body & Soul