(Reading time: 2 - 4 minutes)
Gain freedom and relief in life by being yourself.

Life may indeed be a stage play. Situations and conditions often require us to act and wear masks, for our safety and security, to protect other people's feelings, to pave the way, or for other reasons. But every human being needs freedom, and no freedom is more liberating than the freedom to be yourself.

Just Say 'NO'

Trying to please others is good. However, if you have too much trouble or damage to endure just to satisfy or take care of other people's feelings, that is really an unnecessary waste.

Learn to say no, because you have the right. In life, you may not please everyone. Saying no when necessary is not impolite, but a realistic wise choice.

No Need to Guess

Even if you are a psychic with the ability to read minds, you can never be 100% sure what another person is thinking or feeling, because only God and the person himself can truly know what is in his heart and mind.

Learn to stay calm without knowing what other people think of you. Some "problems" in life, like not knowing exactly what other people think of you, were never meant to be solved in the first place.

Let People Have Their Opinion

How you look and how you actually are can be two very different things. Appearances can be deceiving. One may appear weak and helpless, but is actually highly skilled in martial arts. What someone thinks of you is (very) likely to be based on stereotypical generalizations.

If someone forms an opinion about you based on assumptions rather than facts, then it's their job, not yours, to reform that opinion to be more rational and objective.

Assume Positive

Worrying about being judged negatively is humane, but assuming that everyone will always see only the worst in you is highly discouraged. It will only keep you from moving freely and can even prevent you from trying to do what may be of great value to you.

Throughout life there will always be some people who really like you, there will also be some who may seem to really hate you, and most of the others will be somewhere in between.

Proud of Yourself

Maybe it's human nature to imitate others. This is especially evident in young children or teenagers, when they suddenly adopt the accent, dress, and lifestyle of someone they idolize. It's great to have role models and learn from their virtues, but trying to be someone you're not will always leave you feeling unsatisfied. Because no matter how hard you try, you can only perfectly imitate one person... yourself.

One thing I've learned in life, the more able and willing I am to accept myself, the easier and more enjoyable life is to live. We all have our own quirks, unique perspectives, and idiosyncrasies. Be proud and admire yourself. That's not narcissism, but a form of self-esteem.

Who's Life is This?

Living life solely trying to please others, or trying too hard to always look perfect, is a freeway to regret. You are the only human in this world who has the right to determine what kind of life you want to live. Because that is your life, not your family's life, your parents, your friends, your boss, your neighbors, or anyone else.

"I am not in this world to live up to other people's expectations, nor do I feel that the world must live up to mine." Fritz Perls

Life is only once and truly precious. Enjoy and live as yourself. Do what is truly important and valuable to you in the best way you choose. While you still can and there is still time.

Free to be Yourself