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The seven most dangerous and deadliest places in the world.

How do you view this beloved earth where we live? Does it look friendly and safe? Think back twice. From deadly natural phenomena to wild animals or tribes that can seriously endanger safety, it turns out that there are many dangerous and deadly places on earth. Here are seven of the most dangerous and deadliest places in the world according to Zurogato.com:

1. Ilha da Queimada Grande - Brazil

snake island

Even though it looks unremarkable at first glance, this small 43-hectare island in Brazilian waters holds dangers that cannot be underestimated. This island is home to around 430,000 snakes of various species, including highly venomous ones such as the viper.

By the Brazilian government, the island which is also known as Snake Island is declared closed to the public for safety reasons, and to protect several rare snake species that can only be found on this island.

2. Oymyakon - Russia

oymyakon rusia

If Snake Island is dangerous because of the animals that inhabit it, this place in Russia is dangerous because of the weather. In this place with the coldest temperature of -60oC, boiling water will immediately freeze in just a matter of seconds.

Even though it has a harsh and unfriendly nature, this place which is located in Siberia, Russia is home to 500-900 residents, and has been named the coldest settlement on Earth.

3. Darvaza Crater - Turkmenistan

darvaza gas crater

Also known as the Gates of Hell, Darvaza crater is a 20-meter-deep football-field-sized natural gas crater located near the village of Darvaza, Turkmenistan.

The fire that burns this gas crater does not actually form naturally. Although it cannot be proven conclusively, the flames burning in this crater are believed to be the result of efforts by Soviet geologists to deliberately set fire to the Darvaza crater in 1971 to prevent the spread of methane gas.

Even though it is not closed to the public and has become quite a popular tourist attraction, it is highly recommended to hire a guide if you want to visit this place for safety reasons.

4. Bermuda Triangle - Pacific Ocean

bermuda triangle

You must have heard of this place. For centuries the Bermuda Triangle has been shrouded in a mist of mystery. A number of planes and ships that passed in this area were reported to have mysteriously disappeared without a trace, including the disappearance of Flight 19, a United States fighter pilot squadron consisting of 5 planes, which reportedly disappeared while crossing the Bermuda Triangle on December 5, 1945.

Various theories and speculations circulate to try to explain the strange phenomenon of this place which is an area of water in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean between Puerto Rico, Florida and Bermuda. From the rational to the somewhat "different", such as the involvement of extraterrestrials, mystical forces, or the existence of an interdimensional portal in this place. Until now there has been no definite explanation that can be scientifically proven that can be used to answer and uncover the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle.

5. Dallol - Ethiopia

dallol ethiopia

The view above is not a photo of an alien planet from NASA, nor is it a shapshot from a science fiction film. The image above is a photograph of Dallol, a terrestrial hydrothermal system located northeast of the Erta Ale Range, Ethiopia.

With temperatures over 108 °C, very high levels of acidity, saltiness 10 times saltier than seawater, very low oxygen levels, and poisonous gas vapors, no living thing can survive in this place.

Even though the unique colors of this place are very attractive to tourists, it is advisable not to visit this place, considering the exposure to toxic gases that can occur at any time and the unfavorable security conditions of the location.

6. Valley of Death - Russia

valley of death russia

The Valley of Death is an area of 2 x 0.5 kilometers located at the foot of the Kikhpinych volcano, Russia. The geographical conditions of this place make the poisonous volcanic gas from Mount Kikhpinych trapped in this place in high and deadly concentrations.

Although the view is very beautiful, this place should be avoided. Poisonous gas accumulations in this valley are not only capable of killing birds and small mammals instantly, but can also endanger the safety of larger creatures including humans.

7. North Sentinel Island - India

north sentinel island

Seventh place in the list of the most dangerous and deadliest places in the world is North Sentinel Island. If other places become dangerous because of natural phenomena or their animals, North Sentinel Island, located in the Andaman Islands, India, becomes deadly because of its inhabitants.

North Sentinel Island is home to the Sentinel tribe, the original inhabitants of this island who choose to live isolated from the outside world. This tribe will not hesitate to do anything, including physical violence, to maintain their isolation. At least it has never been recorded that a citizen of the United States was found killed as a result of trying to interact with this tribe.

The Sentinelese of this island located in the Indian Ocean have lived isolated from the main island for centuries. All efforts from the local government or the international community to bring this tribe to civilization were fruitless, until finally in 2006 the Indian government decided to close North Sentinel Island to the public, and issued a policy prohibiting travel within a 3 mile radius of this island to prevent further casualties and to protect the Sentinelese.

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